Ina Midkiff
Teaching Experience
I earned an MBA in Finance and Marketing in 1978 from Tarleton State University. In addition to my 33 years experience in Community College teaching, with 10 years of administrative experience, I have 5 years of full-time management experience in private business and have had numerous consulting jobs for both small and large companies. From 1991 until August of 1997 I was the Division Chair of Business and Technology at the Northridge Campus of Austin Community College. Currently I am a Professor of Marketing and the Department Chair of Marketing, Real Estate, and Financial Management.
Professor of Marketing/Department Chair of Marketing, Real Estate, and Financial Management
In my current position as a Professor of Marketing I teach a broad range of Marketing classes. I also coordinate the open campus Marketing and Advertising courses, I provide students with advising services, participate in instructional program development, serve on college committees, participate in professional development, mentor new faculty, and train them in teaching techniques. As the Department Chair, I provide leadership in developing, evaluating and maintaining a curriculum that responds to local workforce and community needs.
Why do I teach? As a teacher my task is to help students discover and develop their own talents. There must be a proper balance between education for both quality and quantity of life. I accomplish this by preparing my students to work in professions in which technical knowledge is increasing at an exponential rate and thinking skills are as important as technical ones. It is never my intention to make my students feel as though I have power over them, rather power with them. We have a partnership. The students' success is my success therefore; I am in a unique position of succeeding many times over through each of my student's successes.
Division Chair Business/Technology at the Northridge Campus of Austin Community College from January 1991 until August 1997. The departments included in this division were: Accounting, Business Management, Computer Information Systems/Computer Science, Electronics, Engineering Design Graphics, Office Systems Technology, Quality Assurance, Printing and Desktop Publishing, Surveying, Technical Communications, and the AutoCAD Training Center. The division had 28 full-time faculty members and approximately 150 part-time faculty members. There were 12 full time professional technical and staff employees. The division taught over 300,000 contact hours per semester. We had more than 300 computers in 19 laboratories and our computer labs ran Novell Netware, Windows 3.x, Windows NT, UNIX, DOS, Macintosh, and Sun Solaris operating systems, as well as a wide range of specialized software.
My leadership and managerial responsibilities were numerous: budget authority for approximately 3.5 million dollars, served as the administrative officer of the division, approved teaching assignments, assisted in grant projects, wrote division technology plan, helped maintain/develop/evaluate course curricula, reviewed task force/advisory committees, maintained appropriate records, assisted in development of articulation agreements, implemented academic policies, supervised full and part-time faculty, and planned facilities and space needs for future needs.
For the workforce areas our customers were the community, businesses, and individual students. Continuous improvement was an integral part of our day-to-day operations.
I was an Associate Professor of Management and Economics Amarillo College before moving to Austin in 1988. I taught at Cisco Jr. College in 1976-1977. I worked in the private sector and I also had a consulting company specializing in small business management and organizational restructuring as well as providing seminars on motivation and managerial topics.
In August of 2008 I received the Business Division “Outstanding Professor for 2008” award. I received the ACC Teaching Excellence Award for the outstanding full-time faculty member (2004-2005) of the year in May 2005. I was the 2002 Piper Professor Nominee from Austin Community College. The Teaching Awards Committee that is made up entirely by full-time faculty selected me for this award. This organization identifies and honors effective and dedicated teachers. In the spring, 1998, I was nominated for the ACC Teaching Excellence Award. I was one of the first Recipients (1991) of the NISOD Teaching Excellence Award at ACC. This was the first year ACC participated. I was selected by the President (Roland Smith) to train in the Leaders program for community college female administrators under the direction of Carolyn DesJarjines. I have been nominated 6 times as the outstanding full-time instructor at ACC by the Phi Theta Kappa student association. I was a Faculty Senate Officer in 1993-94.
I serve on the Marketing/Fashion Advisory Committee, the Financial Management Advisory Committee, and the Real Estate Advisory Committee.
- Southwestern Federation of Administrative Disciplines in College Management = SWFAD is the organization for my discipline, management, and finance.
- Texas Community College Teachers Association = TCCTA is the organization that represents community colleges in Texas.
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Published: April 18, 2023