Ankush Nautiyal-Ross
Teaching Experience
Adjunct Associate Professor (August 2021 to present)
Instructor for ENVR 1301 (Introduction to Environmental Science) and 1302 (Issues in Environmental Science)
Senior Teaching Assistant (August 2010 to May 2015), Teaching Assistant (August 2009-May 2010) in Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas
Instructor for laboratories in Principle of Biology and Plant Biology:
- Taught two to three laboratory sections per semester, each with an enrollment of 24 students.
- Responsibilities included lecture presentations for laboratories, grading, laboratory cleanup, proctoring for the lecture exams, laboratory material storage, and organization, and I also covered Plant Biology lectures in the absence of Dr. Stephenson.
Professional Publications
Nautiyal A, Rawat GS, Ramesh K, Kannan R and Stephenson SL. 2019. Seasonal precipitation signal in earlywood and latewood ring width chronologies of Pinus roxburghii. Tree-Ring Research.
Nautiyal A, Ben Hassine Ben Ali M, Krishnamurthy R, Rawat GS and Stephenson SL. 2016. A preliminary study of the ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with banj oak and chir pine in the Garhwal Himalaya, India. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 6(2).
Nautiyal A. 2012. Is chir pine displacing banj oak in the Central Himalaya? Socioeconomic implications for local people and the conservation of oak forest biodiversity. Poster session presented at: Biodiversity Asia 2012- 2nd regional conference of SCB.
Published: August 20, 2023