MUSC-1271 Applied Commercial Music: Recording / Live Sound

Jordan Walsh

Credit Fall 2024


MUSC-1271-009 (98994)

Course Requirements

Students are required to be a part of the ATI program at ACC. Basic computer literacy is encouraged, but not required.


Readings will be taken from a variety of resources that are appropriate to the specific student's needs. Readings will be chosen at the first meeting with the student.

Course Subjects

Applied lessons in recording and live sound can cover any range of topics that are beneficial to the student's career goals, including but not limited to: DAW basics, mic placement, session planning/execution, and post produciton techniques.

Student Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives

Students are expected to come with their own specific goals and interests, and it is the instructor's role to not only help them achieve those goals, but to clarify them so the student can better navigate the gig economy of audio work.

Office Hours

F 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM ACC Highland Campus

NOTE By appointment only, other times may be available: don't hesitate to reach out!

Published: 08/06/2024 20:27:21