ARCH-1303 Architectural Design I
Dawson Williams
Credit Fall 2024
ARCH-1303-002 (88868)
LEC TuTh 7:35pm - 8:55pm HLC HLC2 1500
LAB TuTh 8:55pm - 10:15pm HLC HLC2 1500
Course Subjects
- Credit Hours: 3
- Classroom Contact Hours per week: 5
- Estimated Time Commitment Outside of Class Meetings: 10 hours per week
This course is taught in a face-to-face classroom learning format. In-person meetings will consist of group discussion, project critiques, and laboratory work time. In addition to participating in class, students will also use the Blackboard learning management system for assignment instructions, submitting assignments, and collaboration. Class material will be posted via Blackboard each week on Mondays, beginning in the first week of class, as well as after each individual class as needed. Online lecture material will include the introduction and review of course concepts, and these will be assessed through weekly projects, class assignments, and participation in project reviews and discussions.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
• Use abstract concepts and ideas in design projects.
• Use two-dimensional and three-dimensional media effectively.
• Employ sensitivity to the “craft” of making.
• Use critical and iterative design processes.
• Participate and share ideas in a common dialogue.
• Apply organizational skills and time management.
• Develop cognitive strategies for analysis and implementation of design ideas.
- REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School* by Matthew Frederick; The MIT Press, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-262-06266-4 / 0-262-06266-6. *Hardcover format.
- RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOK: Sketching for Architecture + Interior Design* by Stephanie Travis; Laurence King Publishing, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-78067-564-0. *Paperback format. This book is recommended for any student who has not yet taken ARCH 1307: Architectural Graphics I and/or who will be not enrolled in ARCH 1307 this semester.
- MATERIALS: A sketchbook or drawing pad (9”x12” Strathmore brand is recommended) is required, and we will review the other necessary drawing and modeling supplies in class together. There will be some supplies provided by ACC for each student, but there will be other supplies each student will be responsible for themselves.
Student Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives
This course is intended to fulfill all or part of the following National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) Student Performance Criteria:
• A.1 Professional Communication Skills
Ability to write and speak effectively and use representational media appropriate for both within the profession and with the general public.
• A.2 Design Thinking Skills
Ability to raise clear and precise questions, use abstract ideas to interpret information, consider
diverse points of view, reach well-reasoned conclusions, and test alternative outcomes against
relevant criteria and standards.
• A.4 Architectural Design Skills
Ability to effectively use basic formal, organizational, and environmental principles, and the capacity of each to inform two- and three-dimensional design.
• A.5 Ordering Systems
Ability to apply the fundamentals of both natural and formal ordering systems and the capacity of each to inform two- and three-dimensional design.
Office Hours
T Th 4:00 PM - 10:30 PM HLC 2.1500
NOTE By appointment. Contact Instructor via email or Blackboard message.Published: 08/25/2024 14:52:02