AUMT-2489 Internship-Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician

Mike Shoebroek

Credit Spring 2024


AUMT-2489-005 (73987)
Tu 9:00am - 2:10pm RRC RRC5 5121.00

Course Requirements

ACC Automotive Department


AUMT 2489 Automotive Internship


Spring 2024 Synonym’s 73985 & 73987


                                    Mike Shoebroek


                                    Office Number - 5135.11 Round Rock

                                                                4230 Riverside


                                    Office Phone Number 512-223-6038


















AUMT 2489 INTERNSHIP AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN (4-1-15).  This course involves an experience external to the college for the advanced student in a specialized field involving a written, online, agreement between the educational institution and a business or industry. The student will combine both theory and application by working on training assignments in his or her chosen field and supplied by the business in the agreement. Mentored and supervised by a workforce employee, the student achieves objectives that are developed and documented by the college and that are directly related to specific occupational outcomes. This may be a paid or unpaid experience. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary.


PREREQUISITES: 24 Semester credit hours of Automotive coursework with a minimum grade of C.




     1.   Manufacturer's service manuals

     2.   Service manuals provided by business

     3.   Periodicals available from industry




  1. Regular attendance is required.  Only limited absences and tardiness will be accepted if a grade better than an "F" is expected. Three tardies = one absence, two absences = 10 hours of class time absent, after which a student may be withdrawn from this class.
  2. Students are required to maintain a "C" average or a grade point average of 2.00 in order to graduateFor each course, a grade of C, or higher, is required in order to successfully complete the course.  

3.    Each student must have the tools from all prerequisite courses in order to successfully complete this course. Students without tools will be withdrawn, need to purchase tools or withdraw from this course.

4.    Safety is always first.  Common sense and our certifying agency, ASEEF, require that all students wear safety glasses in the shop.  Students without safety glasses will be prohibited from any shop activities. You must wear attire similar to that found in a professional automotive repair shop. Flip flops, loose baggy clothing or clothing that is too revealing in nature that is distracting to other students are all are unsafe for the shop environment and may not be worn. Students that habitually or continue to violate employer shop safety practices will be withdrawn from this course.
5. I am requiring students to come each week UNTIL they have their employer MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), filled out by their employer. You can get a jump start on this process and possibly only need to show up the first day of class by 1. going to our Blackboard course and locate the " Internship MOU Agreement" on the left side of the page. This is an online document that your employer can type into then submit, but they will have to do that from YOUR Blackboard page. OR 2. See the " MOU Agreement PDF" under the first link. This is the same PDF as the first one except that you can print it, have your employer fill it out and get it back to me by email or bring it to class. 

All of this is an effort to get the ball rolling so that you can get to the next step, which can only be completed AFTER the MOU has been officially accepted by the ACC Internship office, which is the student submission of the "Internship Contract," also linked on our Blackboard page.

Please get the MOU filled out and submitted, either electronically, or manually. If you get it filled out manually, simply attach it to an email and send it to me and I will get it to the appropriate person in the ACC Internship office.

Once the MOU is completed, then you need to fill out the Internship agreement, when both of those steps have been completed, you can go to your jobsite and do not have to come to campus for our next class meeting.



     1. Students will be evaluated by their employer (employer evaluation) on a variety of topics, including, but not limited to: punctuality, efficiency, attitude, behavior, attendance, safety, ability to remain on task, following direction, work ethic, etc.

     2. Employer Evaluations will be turned into the automotive instructor and be used in calculating the overall grade for the course. This is 15% of your overall grade.

    3. Students that are terminated from their contracted internship workplace, with cause, will receive a grade of “F” for their final grade.

   4.  Completing the MOU (memorandum of understanding),  Internship contract, and submitting it is ultimately the responsibility of the student. Students that fail to get the MOU or Internship contract filled out and/or turned in by the fourth week of the semester (week 2 in the Summer), will be withdrawn from this course. The link for the MOU and Internship contract is located on our Blackboard course home page. This is 20% of your overall grade.

 The department SP/2 scores (five required certificates. See #6, page 4 below) or Ford ACE Safety Modules (6 in total), will be included with the contract for a combined calculation of 20% of your overall grade.

5. If you do not have a job by the fourth class meeting (end of week two in the Summer), you will need to withdraw, or will be withdrawn, from this class as you will not have time to complete the 256 contact hours of required on-the-job training.

6. You must log into Blackboard at the end of every week to either enter your flag time for the week, or submit a note on your progress in finding a job for 11.1 points per week (Summer), or 6.25 points per week (Fall & Spring). This counts 40% of your overall grade.

7. You will also document your weekly flag time on a flag time sheet available in Blackboard. At the end of the semester, you will turn in a folder with all 9 flag sheets in the Summer semester (16 flag sheets for Fall or Spring semesters). This folder will count as 5% of your overall grade and is DUE the last week of the semester.

 8.   Any withdrawals are the responsibility of the student. If the student fails to make the withdrawal by the drop date, the calculated, earned grade for the course will be submitted for the semester for the student.


  1. Employer Evaluation- 100 Points X 15% of total grade.
  2. MOU – 100 Points X 20% of total grade.
  3. Internship Contract (100 points) + SP/2 Certificates or Ford Safety Modules (100 Points) = 200 points X 20% of total grade.
  4. Blackboard entries 9 Summer X 11.1  points per week Summer or 6.25 points per week Fall & Spring X 16 = 100 points X 40% of total grade.
  5. Folder (weekly flag time + SP2 certificates or Ford Safety Modules + syllabus + cover sheet) = 100 points X 5% of total grade. See page 6 below for further folder explanation.

Total = 600 Points 100%

AUMT 2489 Policies & Procedures


  1. Students that already have a job in an automotive repair shop when the class begins, will submit the MOU first, then turn in the internship contract in class the first day.  Both of these are found on our Blackboard course home page.
  2. Students that do not have a job at the beginning of class will begin pursuing employment in an automotive shop immediately. Your instructor will provide you with a list of potential employers if needed. As soon as you have been hired, you will submit the MOU and then the internship contract.  While you are looking for a job, you are required to come to campus during our regular class time each week. You will also  submit a Blackboard entry that will include your progress in finding a job. If you do not have a job by the fourth week (Fall & Spring), or second week (Summer classes), you will need to withdraw, or will be withdrawn, from this class as you will not have time to complete the 256 contact hours of required on-the-job training.


  1. All students will keep a log of their completed work in the shop. This log must include: student name, date, year, make, model, brief description of repairs & hours flagged. All 9 log/flag sheets (Summer semester)  or 16 flag sheets Fall/Spring will be kept in a folder and turned in the last day of class. You must also enter your weekly flag hours in Blackboard.  Each weekly log/Blackboard entry will be worth 11.1 points (Summer semester), or 6.25 points (Fall & Spring semesters) of your flag time grade.
  2. Your overall grade will be based on your weekly Blackboard submissions, MOU, internship contract, notebook, SP2’s (5) or Ford Safety Modules (6) and your employer evaluation that your supervisor will fill out on your performance.
  3. The weekly Blackboard information (flag time and/or progress on finding a job), is due at the end of each week. You will have from Friday morning through Sunday evening each week to enter your information in Blackboard. I WILL NOT extend this timeframe for anyone for any reason. If you miss a deadline, you WILL NOT receive credit for the item missed.
  4. Included in the notebook grade is the SP2 safety training. There are five certificates required for this course, worth 20 points each: 1. Automotive Service Safety, 2. Automotive Service Pollution Prevention, 3. Land that Job: Building a Resume, 4. Ethics and You in the Automotive Industry & 5. Land that Job: Interview Skills for Automotive Students. These certificates should have already been completed in previous automotive classes. OR, you may submit the six Ford Safety modules from the Ford ACE training website, they will be worth 16.6 points each. You do not need to do both the SP2 and Ford safety modules, it’s one or the other.  That said, in this class, your certificates are due the second week of class. You may email them to me, drop of copies in my box (outside office 4230, building B, Riverside campus), or take pictures of them and send those by email or text. I take 7 points off per week they are late.
  5. Students may be withdrawn for any of the following reasons from this course: excessive absences, lacks course pre-requisite, lack of progress, missed tests/assignments, failure to comply with course/department or employer safety policies, negligence resulting in damage to any property or injury to anyone or, failure to submit the MOU, failure to submit the internship contract, or absent the first day of class. Attendance the first day of class is mandatory.



College Policies:

All of the college policies can be found in our Blackboard course, or here:
































1. 1st Section COVER SHEET                                                            15 points


2. 2ND Section SYLLABUS                                                                    15 points


3. 3RD Section WEEKLY FLAG SHEETS                                   40 points


4. 4th Section SP2 Safety Certificates (Five Certificates)            30 points

         OR, Ford Safety Modules (6 Certificates)


The cover sheet will have the following items to receive all 15 points:

1. Your name

2. Class name

3. Class number; ex. AUMT 2489

4. Instructor name

5. Time and days of class. Ex. Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 


Do not use the first page of the syllabus as your cover sheet. The syllabus is worth 15 points.

All weekly Flag sheets will be in order by week number from week 1 –9, for Summer semesters (4.44 points per week) or 1 – 16 for Fall or Spring semesters (2.5 points per week). If you don’t know if you should keep something ask your instructor.

All notebooks must be clean, neat, all papers hole punched, put in a 3 ring binder and in order as stated above. For example, points will be taken off if the weekly log sheets are out of order according to the date or the sections are out of order as stated above. Anything put in binder pockets, not in the rings, will be considered absent from the binder and will not be graded.

Included in the notebook grade is the SP2 certificates. There are five SP2 certificates required for this course: Automotive Service Safety, Automotive Service Pollution Prevention, Land that Job: Building a Resume, Ethics and You in the Automotive Industry & Land that Job: Interview Skills for Automotive Students and are worth 6 points per certificate.

OR, there are six Ford ACE Safety modules: F10100200301 Course Introduction, F10100200302 Introduction to Shop Safety, F10100200303 Personal Safety, F10100200304 Hazardous Materials and Fire Safety, F101100200305 Tool, Equipment and Vehicle Safety, F10100200306 Lifting a Vehicle

All required items for the notebook need to be placed in a 1.5” or 2”, 3 ring binder, with dividers per section.

Your notebook is due by the last day of class. You may turn your notebook in to me, the tool room at Round Rock or Riverside campus, the automotive administrative assistant, or into my mailbox at Riverside campus. Text me when you drop off your notebook and let me know who you dropped it off with, when and where. Just make certain that I get your notebook. If I do not have your notebook on the last day of class, I will plug a “Zero” in the gradebook for your notebook grade.   








Please legibly print the following information:


Name, First, last, Mi.




ACC Student I.D. # :


Emergency Contact Name & Number:


Your e-mail Address:


Your cell phone number:


If you are working in the automotive industry, provide the following information:


Employer/Shop Name:


Employer/Shop Phone Number:


Employer/Shop physical address:


Supervisor Name:





















I have read and understand the guidelines and expectations as documented in this syllabus.



___________________________                                          ________________________

Student signature                                                                    Date




My instructor provided me with a physical copy of the syllabus for AUMT 2489 Automotive Internship.



__________________________                                            _______________________

Student signature                                                                    Date


ACC Automotive Department


AUMT 2489 Automotive Internship


Spring 2024 Synonym’s 73985 & 73987


                                    Mike Shoebroek


                                    Office Number - 5135.11 Round Rock

                                                                4230 Riverside


                                    Office Phone Number 512-223-6038


















AUMT 2489 INTERNSHIP AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN (4-1-15).  This course involves an experience external to the college for the advanced student in a specialized field involving a written, online, agreement between the educational institution and a business or industry. The student will combine both theory and application by working on training assignments in his or her chosen field and supplied by the business in the agreement. Mentored and supervised by a workforce employee, the student achieves objectives that are developed and documented by the college and that are directly related to specific occupational outcomes. This may be a paid or unpaid experience. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary.


PREREQUISITES: 24 Semester credit hours of Automotive coursework with a minimum grade of C.




     1.   Manufacturer's service manuals

     2.   Service manuals provided by business

     3.   Periodicals available from industry




  1. Regular attendance is required.  Only limited absences and tardiness will be accepted if a grade better than an "F" is expected. Three tardies = one absence, two absences = 10 hours of class time absent, after which a student may be withdrawn from this class.
  2. Students are required to maintain a "C" average or a grade point average of 2.00 in order to graduateFor each course, a grade of C, or higher, is required in order to successfully complete the course.  

3.    Each student must have the tools from all prerequisite courses in order to successfully complete this course. Students without tools will be withdrawn, need to purchase tools or withdraw from this course.

4.    Safety is always first.  Common sense and our certifying agency, ASEEF, require that all students wear safety glasses in the shop.  Students without safety glasses will be prohibited from any shop activities. You must wear attire similar to that found in a professional automotive repair shop. Flip flops, loose baggy clothing or clothing that is too revealing in nature that is distracting to other students are all are unsafe for the shop environment and may not be worn. Students that habitually or continue to violate employer shop safety practices will be withdrawn from this course.
5. I am requiring students to come each week UNTIL they have their employer MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), filled out by their employer. You can get a jump start on this process and possibly only need to show up the first day of class by 1. going to our Blackboard course and locate the " Internship MOU Agreement" on the left side of the page. This is an online document that your employer can type into then submit, but they will have to do that from YOUR Blackboard page. OR 2. See the " MOU Agreement PDF" under the first link. This is the same PDF as the first one except that you can print it, have your employer fill it out and get it back to me by email or bring it to class. 

All of this is an effort to get the ball rolling so that you can get to the next step, which can only be completed AFTER the MOU has been officially accepted by the ACC Internship office, which is the student submission of the "Internship Contract," also linked on our Blackboard page.

Please get the MOU filled out and submitted, either electronically, or manually. If you get it filled out manually, simply attach it to an email and send it to me and I will get it to the appropriate person in the ACC Internship office.

Once the MOU is completed, then you need to fill out the Internship agreement, when both of those steps have been completed, you can go to your jobsite and do not have to come to campus for our next class meeting.



     1. Students will be evaluated by their employer (employer evaluation) on a variety of topics, including, but not limited to: punctuality, efficiency, attitude, behavior, attendance, safety, ability to remain on task, following direction, work ethic, etc.

     2. Employer Evaluations will be turned into the automotive instructor and be used in calculating the overall grade for the course. This is 15% of your overall grade.

    3. Students that are terminated from their contracted internship workplace, with cause, will receive a grade of “F” for their final grade.

   4.  Completing the MOU (memorandum of understanding),  Internship contract, and submitting it is ultimately the responsibility of the student. Students that fail to get the MOU or Internship contract filled out and/or turned in by the fourth week of the semester (week 2 in the Summer), will be withdrawn from this course. The link for the MOU and Internship contract is located on our Blackboard course home page. This is 20% of your overall grade.

 The department SP/2 scores (five required certificates. See #6, page 4 below) or Ford ACE Safety Modules (6 in total), will be included with the contract for a combined calculation of 20% of your overall grade.

5. If you do not have a job by the fourth class meeting (end of week two in the Summer), you will need to withdraw, or will be withdrawn, from this class as you will not have time to complete the 256 contact hours of required on-the-job training.

6. You must log into Blackboard at the end of every week to either enter your flag time for the week, or submit a note on your progress in finding a job for 11.1 points per week (Summer), or 6.25 points per week (Fall & Spring). This counts 40% of your overall grade.

7. You will also document your weekly flag time on a flag time sheet available in Blackboard. At the end of the semester, you will turn in a folder with all 9 flag sheets in the Summer semester (16 flag sheets for Fall or Spring semesters). This folder will count as 5% of your overall grade and is DUE the last week of the semester.

 8.   Any withdrawals are the responsibility of the student. If the student fails to make the withdrawal by the drop date, the calculated, earned grade for the course will be submitted for the semester for the student.


  1. Employer Evaluation- 100 Points X 15% of total grade.
  2. MOU – 100 Points X 20% of total grade.
  3. Internship Contract (100 points) + SP/2 Certificates or Ford Safety Modules (100 Points) = 200 points X 20% of total grade.
  4. Blackboard entries 9 Summer X 11.1  points per week Summer or 6.25 points per week Fall & Spring X 16 = 100 points X 40% of total grade.
  5. Folder (weekly flag time + SP2 certificates or Ford Safety Modules + syllabus + cover sheet) = 100 points X 5% of total grade. See page 6 below for further folder explanation.

Total = 600 Points 100%

AUMT 2489 Policies & Procedures


  1. Students that already have a job in an automotive repair shop when the class begins, will submit the MOU first, then turn in the internship contract in class the first day.  Both of these are found on our Blackboard course home page.
  2. Students that do not have a job at the beginning of class will begin pursuing employment in an automotive shop immediately. Your instructor will provide you with a list of potential employers if needed. As soon as you have been hired, you will submit the MOU and then the internship contract.  While you are looking for a job, you are required to come to campus during our regular class time each week. You will also  submit a Blackboard entry that will include your progress in finding a job. If you do not have a job by the fourth week (Fall & Spring), or second week (Summer classes), you will need to withdraw, or will be withdrawn, from this class as you will not have time to complete the 256 contact hours of required on-the-job training.


  1. All students will keep a log of their completed work in the shop. This log must include: student name, date, year, make, model, brief description of repairs & hours flagged. All 9 log/flag sheets (Summer semester)  or 16 flag sheets Fall/Spring will be kept in a folder and turned in the last day of class. You must also enter your weekly flag hours in Blackboard.  Each weekly log/Blackboard entry will be worth 11.1 points (Summer semester), or 6.25 points (Fall & Spring semesters) of your flag time grade.
  2. Your overall grade will be based on your weekly Blackboard submissions, MOU, internship contract, notebook, SP2’s (5) or Ford Safety Modules (6) and your employer evaluation that your supervisor will fill out on your performance.
  3. The weekly Blackboard information (flag time and/or progress on finding a job), is due at the end of each week. You will have from Friday morning through Sunday evening each week to enter your information in Blackboard. I WILL NOT extend this timeframe for anyone for any reason. If you miss a deadline, you WILL NOT receive credit for the item missed.
  4. Included in the notebook grade is the SP2 safety training. There are five certificates required for this course, worth 20 points each: 1. Automotive Service Safety, 2. Automotive Service Pollution Prevention, 3. Land that Job: Building a Resume, 4. Ethics and You in the Automotive Industry & 5. Land that Job: Interview Skills for Automotive Students. These certificates should have already been completed in previous automotive classes. OR, you may submit the six Ford Safety modules from the Ford ACE training website, they will be worth 16.6 points each. You do not need to do both the SP2 and Ford safety modules, it’s one or the other.  That said, in this class, your certificates are due the second week of class. You may email them to me, drop of copies in my box (outside office 4230, building B, Riverside campus), or take pictures of them and send those by email or text. I take 7 points off per week they are late.
  5. Students may be withdrawn for any of the following reasons from this course: excessive absences, lacks course pre-requisite, lack of progress, missed tests/assignments, failure to comply with course/department or employer safety policies, negligence resulting in damage to any property or injury to anyone or, failure to submit the MOU, failure to submit the internship contract, or absent the first day of class. Attendance the first day of class is mandatory.



College Policies:

All of the college policies can be found in our Blackboard course, or here:
































1. 1st Section COVER SHEET                                                            15 points


2. 2ND Section SYLLABUS                                                                    15 points


3. 3RD Section WEEKLY FLAG SHEETS                                   40 points


4. 4th Section SP2 Safety Certificates (Five Certificates)            30 points

         OR, Ford Safety Modules (6 Certificates)


The cover sheet will have the following items to receive all 15 points:

1. Your name

2. Class name

3. Class number; ex. AUMT 2489

4. Instructor name

5. Time and days of class. Ex. Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 


Do not use the first page of the syllabus as your cover sheet. The syllabus is worth 15 points.

All weekly Flag sheets will be in order by week number from week 1 –9, for Summer semesters (4.44 points per week) or 1 – 16 for Fall or Spring semesters (2.5 points per week). If you don’t know if you should keep something ask your instructor.

All notebooks must be clean, neat, all papers hole punched, put in a 3 ring binder and in order as stated above. For example, points will be taken off if the weekly log sheets are out of order according to the date or the sections are out of order as stated above. Anything put in binder pockets, not in the rings, will be considered absent from the binder and will not be graded.

Included in the notebook grade is the SP2 certificates. There are five SP2 certificates required for this course: Automotive Service Safety, Automotive Service Pollution Prevention, Land that Job: Building a Resume, Ethics and You in the Automotive Industry & Land that Job: Interview Skills for Automotive Students and are worth 6 points per certificate.

OR, there are six Ford ACE Safety modules: F10100200301 Course Introduction, F10100200302 Introduction to Shop Safety, F10100200303 Personal Safety, F10100200304 Hazardous Materials and Fire Safety, F101100200305 Tool, Equipment and Vehicle Safety, F10100200306 Lifting a Vehicle

All required items for the notebook need to be placed in a 1.5” or 2”, 3 ring binder, with dividers per section.

Your notebook is due by the last day of class. You may turn your notebook in to me, the tool room at Round Rock or Riverside campus, the automotive administrative assistant, or into my mailbox at Riverside campus. Text me when you drop off your notebook and let me know who you dropped it off with, when and where. Just make certain that I get your notebook. If I do not have your notebook on the last day of class, I will plug a “Zero” in the gradebook for your notebook grade.   








Please legibly print the following information:


Name, First, last, Mi.




ACC Student I.D. # :


Emergency Contact Name & Number:


Your e-mail Address:


Your cell phone number:


If you are working in the automotive industry, provide the following information:


Employer/Shop Name:


Employer/Shop Phone Number:


Employer/Shop physical address:


Supervisor Name:





















I have read and understand the guidelines and expectations as documented in this syllabus.



___________________________                                          ________________________

Student signature                                                                    Date




My instructor provided me with a physical copy of the syllabus for AUMT 2489 Automotive Internship.



__________________________                                            _______________________

Student signature                                                                    Date

Course Subjects

ACC Automotive Department


AUMT 2489 Automotive Internship


Spring 2024 Synonym’s 73985 & 73987


                                    Mike Shoebroek


                                    Office Number - 5135.11 Round Rock

                                                                4230 Riverside


                                    Office Phone Number 512-223-6038


















AUMT 2489 INTERNSHIP AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN (4-1-15).  This course involves an experience external to the college for the advanced student in a specialized field involving a written, online, agreement between the educational institution and a business or industry. The student will combine both theory and application by working on training assignments in his or her chosen field and supplied by the business in the agreement. Mentored and supervised by a workforce employee, the student achieves objectives that are developed and documented by the college and that are directly related to specific occupational outcomes. This may be a paid or unpaid experience. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary.


PREREQUISITES: 24 Semester credit hours of Automotive coursework with a minimum grade of C.




     1.   Manufacturer's service manuals

     2.   Service manuals provided by business

     3.   Periodicals available from industry




  1. Regular attendance is required.  Only limited absences and tardiness will be accepted if a grade better than an "F" is expected. Three tardies = one absence, two absences = 10 hours of class time absent, after which a student may be withdrawn from this class.
  2. Students are required to maintain a "C" average or a grade point average of 2.00 in order to graduateFor each course, a grade of C, or higher, is required in order to successfully complete the course.  

3.    Each student must have the tools from all prerequisite courses in order to successfully complete this course. Students without tools will be withdrawn, need to purchase tools or withdraw from this course.

4.    Safety is always first.  Common sense and our certifying agency, ASEEF, require that all students wear safety glasses in the shop.  Students without safety glasses will be prohibited from any shop activities. You must wear attire similar to that found in a professional automotive repair shop. Flip flops, loose baggy clothing or clothing that is too revealing in nature that is distracting to other students are all are unsafe for the shop environment and may not be worn. Students that habitually or continue to violate employer shop safety practices will be withdrawn from this course.
5. I am requiring students to come each week UNTIL they have their employer MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), filled out by their employer. You can get a jump start on this process and possibly only need to show up the first day of class by 1. going to our Blackboard course and locate the " Internship MOU Agreement" on the left side of the page. This is an online document that your employer can type into then submit, but they will have to do that from YOUR Blackboard page. OR 2. See the " MOU Agreement PDF" under the first link. This is the same PDF as the first one except that you can print it, have your employer fill it out and get it back to me by email or bring it to class. 

All of this is an effort to get the ball rolling so that you can get to the next step, which can only be completed AFTER the MOU has been officially accepted by the ACC Internship office, which is the student submission of the "Internship Contract," also linked on our Blackboard page.

Please get the MOU filled out and submitted, either electronically, or manually. If you get it filled out manually, simply attach it to an email and send it to me and I will get it to the appropriate person in the ACC Internship office.

Once the MOU is completed, then you need to fill out the Internship agreement, when both of those steps have been completed, you can go to your jobsite and do not have to come to campus for our next class meeting.



     1. Students will be evaluated by their employer (employer evaluation) on a variety of topics, including, but not limited to: punctuality, efficiency, attitude, behavior, attendance, safety, ability to remain on task, following direction, work ethic, etc.

     2. Employer Evaluations will be turned into the automotive instructor and be used in calculating the overall grade for the course. This is 15% of your overall grade.

    3. Students that are terminated from their contracted internship workplace, with cause, will receive a grade of “F” for their final grade.

   4.  Completing the MOU (memorandum of understanding),  Internship contract, and submitting it is ultimately the responsibility of the student. Students that fail to get the MOU or Internship contract filled out and/or turned in by the fourth week of the semester (week 2 in the Summer), will be withdrawn from this course. The link for the MOU and Internship contract is located on our Blackboard course home page. This is 20% of your overall grade.

 The department SP/2 scores (five required certificates. See #6, page 4 below) or Ford ACE Safety Modules (6 in total), will be included with the contract for a combined calculation of 20% of your overall grade.

5. If you do not have a job by the fourth class meeting (end of week two in the Summer), you will need to withdraw, or will be withdrawn, from this class as you will not have time to complete the 256 contact hours of required on-the-job training.

6. You must log into Blackboard at the end of every week to either enter your flag time for the week, or submit a note on your progress in finding a job for 11.1 points per week (Summer), or 6.25 points per week (Fall & Spring). This counts 40% of your overall grade.

7. You will also document your weekly flag time on a flag time sheet available in Blackboard. At the end of the semester, you will turn in a folder with all 9 flag sheets in the Summer semester (16 flag sheets for Fall or Spring semesters). This folder will count as 5% of your overall grade and is DUE the last week of the semester.

 8.   Any withdrawals are the responsibility of the student. If the student fails to make the withdrawal by the drop date, the calculated, earned grade for the course will be submitted for the semester for the student.


  1. Employer Evaluation- 100 Points X 15% of total grade.
  2. MOU – 100 Points X 20% of total grade.
  3. Internship Contract (100 points) + SP/2 Certificates or Ford Safety Modules (100 Points) = 200 points X 20% of total grade.
  4. Blackboard entries 9 Summer X 11.1  points per week Summer or 6.25 points per week Fall & Spring X 16 = 100 points X 40% of total grade.
  5. Folder (weekly flag time + SP2 certificates or Ford Safety Modules + syllabus + cover sheet) = 100 points X 5% of total grade. See page 6 below for further folder explanation.

Total = 600 Points 100%

AUMT 2489 Policies & Procedures


  1. Students that already have a job in an automotive repair shop when the class begins, will submit the MOU first, then turn in the internship contract in class the first day.  Both of these are found on our Blackboard course home page.
  2. Students that do not have a job at the beginning of class will begin pursuing employment in an automotive shop immediately. Your instructor will provide you with a list of potential employers if needed. As soon as you have been hired, you will submit the MOU and then the internship contract.  While you are looking for a job, you are required to come to campus during our regular class time each week. You will also  submit a Blackboard entry that will include your progress in finding a job. If you do not have a job by the fourth week (Fall & Spring), or second week (Summer classes), you will need to withdraw, or will be withdrawn, from this class as you will not have time to complete the 256 contact hours of required on-the-job training.


  1. All students will keep a log of their completed work in the shop. This log must include: student name, date, year, make, model, brief description of repairs & hours flagged. All 9 log/flag sheets (Summer semester)  or 16 flag sheets Fall/Spring will be kept in a folder and turned in the last day of class. You must also enter your weekly flag hours in Blackboard.  Each weekly log/Blackboard entry will be worth 11.1 points (Summer semester), or 6.25 points (Fall & Spring semesters) of your flag time grade.
  2. Your overall grade will be based on your weekly Blackboard submissions, MOU, internship contract, notebook, SP2’s (5) or Ford Safety Modules (6) and your employer evaluation that your supervisor will fill out on your performance.
  3. The weekly Blackboard information (flag time and/or progress on finding a job), is due at the end of each week. You will have from Friday morning through Sunday evening each week to enter your information in Blackboard. I WILL NOT extend this timeframe for anyone for any reason. If you miss a deadline, you WILL NOT receive credit for the item missed.
  4. Included in the notebook grade is the SP2 safety training. There are five certificates required for this course, worth 20 points each: 1. Automotive Service Safety, 2. Automotive Service Pollution Prevention, 3. Land that Job: Building a Resume, 4. Ethics and You in the Automotive Industry & 5. Land that Job: Interview Skills for Automotive Students. These certificates should have already been completed in previous automotive classes. OR, you may submit the six Ford Safety modules from the Ford ACE training website, they will be worth 16.6 points each. You do not need to do both the SP2 and Ford safety modules, it’s one or the other.  That said, in this class, your certificates are due the second week of class. You may email them to me, drop of copies in my box (outside office 4230, building B, Riverside campus), or take pictures of them and send those by email or text. I take 7 points off per week they are late.
  5. Students may be withdrawn for any of the following reasons from this course: excessive absences, lacks course pre-requisite, lack of progress, missed tests/assignments, failure to comply with course/department or employer safety policies, negligence resulting in damage to any property or injury to anyone or, failure to submit the MOU, failure to submit the internship contract, or absent the first day of class. Attendance the first day of class is mandatory.



College Policies:

All of the college policies can be found in our Blackboard course, or here:
































1. 1st Section COVER SHEET                                                            15 points


2. 2ND Section SYLLABUS                                                                    15 points


3. 3RD Section WEEKLY FLAG SHEETS                                   40 points


4. 4th Section SP2 Safety Certificates (Five Certificates)            30 points

         OR, Ford Safety Modules (6 Certificates)


The cover sheet will have the following items to receive all 15 points:

1. Your name

2. Class name

3. Class number; ex. AUMT 2489

4. Instructor name

5. Time and days of class. Ex. Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 


Do not use the first page of the syllabus as your cover sheet. The syllabus is worth 15 points.

All weekly Flag sheets will be in order by week number from week 1 –9, for Summer semesters (4.44 points per week) or 1 – 16 for Fall or Spring semesters (2.5 points per week). If you don’t know if you should keep something ask your instructor.

All notebooks must be clean, neat, all papers hole punched, put in a 3 ring binder and in order as stated above. For example, points will be taken off if the weekly log sheets are out of order according to the date or the sections are out of order as stated above. Anything put in binder pockets, not in the rings, will be considered absent from the binder and will not be graded.

Included in the notebook grade is the SP2 certificates. There are five SP2 certificates required for this course: Automotive Service Safety, Automotive Service Pollution Prevention, Land that Job: Building a Resume, Ethics and You in the Automotive Industry & Land that Job: Interview Skills for Automotive Students and are worth 6 points per certificate.

OR, there are six Ford ACE Safety modules: F10100200301 Course Introduction, F10100200302 Introduction to Shop Safety, F10100200303 Personal Safety, F10100200304 Hazardous Materials and Fire Safety, F101100200305 Tool, Equipment and Vehicle Safety, F10100200306 Lifting a Vehicle

All required items for the notebook need to be placed in a 1.5” or 2”, 3 ring binder, with dividers per section.

Your notebook is due by the last day of class. You may turn your notebook in to me, the tool room at Round Rock or Riverside campus, the automotive administrative assistant, or into my mailbox at Riverside campus. Text me when you drop off your notebook and let me know who you dropped it off with, when and where. Just make certain that I get your notebook. If I do not have your notebook on the last day of class, I will plug a “Zero” in the gradebook for your notebook grade.   








Please legibly print the following information:


Name, First, last, Mi.




ACC Student I.D. # :


Emergency Contact Name & Number:


Your e-mail Address:


Your cell phone number:


If you are working in the automotive industry, provide the following information:


Employer/Shop Name:


Employer/Shop Phone Number:


Employer/Shop physical address:


Supervisor Name:





















I have read and understand the guidelines and expectations as documented in this syllabus.



___________________________                                          ________________________

Student signature                                                                    Date




My instructor provided me with a physical copy of the syllabus for AUMT 2489 Automotive Internship.



__________________________                                            _______________________

Student signature                                                                    Date

Student Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives

ACC Automotive Department


AUMT 2489 Automotive Internship


Spring 2024 Synonym’s 73985 & 73987


                                    Mike Shoebroek


                                    Office Number - 5135.11 Round Rock

                                                                4230 Riverside


                                    Office Phone Number 512-223-6038


















AUMT 2489 INTERNSHIP AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN (4-1-15).  This course involves an experience external to the college for the advanced student in a specialized field involving a written, online, agreement between the educational institution and a business or industry. The student will combine both theory and application by working on training assignments in his or her chosen field and supplied by the business in the agreement. Mentored and supervised by a workforce employee, the student achieves objectives that are developed and documented by the college and that are directly related to specific occupational outcomes. This may be a paid or unpaid experience. This course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary.


PREREQUISITES: 24 Semester credit hours of Automotive coursework with a minimum grade of C.




     1.   Manufacturer's service manuals

     2.   Service manuals provided by business

     3.   Periodicals available from industry




  1. Regular attendance is required.  Only limited absences and tardiness will be accepted if a grade better than an "F" is expected. Three tardies = one absence, two absences = 10 hours of class time absent, after which a student may be withdrawn from this class.
  2. Students are required to maintain a "C" average or a grade point average of 2.00 in order to graduateFor each course, a grade of C, or higher, is required in order to successfully complete the course.  

3.    Each student must have the tools from all prerequisite courses in order to successfully complete this course. Students without tools will be withdrawn, need to purchase tools or withdraw from this course.

4.    Safety is always first.  Common sense and our certifying agency, ASEEF, require that all students wear safety glasses in the shop.  Students without safety glasses will be prohibited from any shop activities. You must wear attire similar to that found in a professional automotive repair shop. Flip flops, loose baggy clothing or clothing that is too revealing in nature that is distracting to other students are all are unsafe for the shop environment and may not be worn. Students that habitually or continue to violate employer shop safety practices will be withdrawn from this course.
5. I am requiring students to come each week UNTIL they have their employer MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), filled out by their employer. You can get a jump start on this process and possibly only need to show up the first day of class by 1. going to our Blackboard course and locate the " Internship MOU Agreement" on the left side of the page. This is an online document that your employer can type into then submit, but they will have to do that from YOUR Blackboard page. OR 2. See the " MOU Agreement PDF" under the first link. This is the same PDF as the first one except that you can print it, have your employer fill it out and get it back to me by email or bring it to class. 

All of this is an effort to get the ball rolling so that you can get to the next step, which can only be completed AFTER the MOU has been officially accepted by the ACC Internship office, which is the student submission of the "Internship Contract," also linked on our Blackboard page.

Please get the MOU filled out and submitted, either electronically, or manually. If you get it filled out manually, simply attach it to an email and send it to me and I will get it to the appropriate person in the ACC Internship office.

Once the MOU is completed, then you need to fill out the Internship agreement, when both of those steps have been completed, you can go to your jobsite and do not have to come to campus for our next class meeting.



     1. Students will be evaluated by their employer (employer evaluation) on a variety of topics, including, but not limited to: punctuality, efficiency, attitude, behavior, attendance, safety, ability to remain on task, following direction, work ethic, etc.

     2. Employer Evaluations will be turned into the automotive instructor and be used in calculating the overall grade for the course. This is 15% of your overall grade.

    3. Students that are terminated from their contracted internship workplace, with cause, will receive a grade of “F” for their final grade.

   4.  Completing the MOU (memorandum of understanding),  Internship contract, and submitting it is ultimately the responsibility of the student. Students that fail to get the MOU or Internship contract filled out and/or turned in by the fourth week of the semester (week 2 in the Summer), will be withdrawn from this course. The link for the MOU and Internship contract is located on our Blackboard course home page. This is 20% of your overall grade.

 The department SP/2 scores (five required certificates. See #6, page 4 below) or Ford ACE Safety Modules (6 in total), will be included with the contract for a combined calculation of 20% of your overall grade.

5. If you do not have a job by the fourth class meeting (end of week two in the Summer), you will need to withdraw, or will be withdrawn, from this class as you will not have time to complete the 256 contact hours of required on-the-job training.

6. You must log into Blackboard at the end of every week to either enter your flag time for the week, or submit a note on your progress in finding a job for 11.1 points per week (Summer), or 6.25 points per week (Fall & Spring). This counts 40% of your overall grade.

7. You will also document your weekly flag time on a flag time sheet available in Blackboard. At the end of the semester, you will turn in a folder with all 9 flag sheets in the Summer semester (16 flag sheets for Fall or Spring semesters). This folder will count as 5% of your overall grade and is DUE the last week of the semester.

 8.   Any withdrawals are the responsibility of the student. If the student fails to make the withdrawal by the drop date, the calculated, earned grade for the course will be submitted for the semester for the student.


  1. Employer Evaluation- 100 Points X 15% of total grade.
  2. MOU – 100 Points X 20% of total grade.
  3. Internship Contract (100 points) + SP/2 Certificates or Ford Safety Modules (100 Points) = 200 points X 20% of total grade.
  4. Blackboard entries 9 Summer X 11.1  points per week Summer or 6.25 points per week Fall & Spring X 16 = 100 points X 40% of total grade.
  5. Folder (weekly flag time + SP2 certificates or Ford Safety Modules + syllabus + cover sheet) = 100 points X 5% of total grade. See page 6 below for further folder explanation.

Total = 600 Points 100%

AUMT 2489 Policies & Procedures


  1. Students that already have a job in an automotive repair shop when the class begins, will submit the MOU first, then turn in the internship contract in class the first day.  Both of these are found on our Blackboard course home page.
  2. Students that do not have a job at the beginning of class will begin pursuing employment in an automotive shop immediately. Your instructor will provide you with a list of potential employers if needed. As soon as you have been hired, you will submit the MOU and then the internship contract.  While you are looking for a job, you are required to come to campus during our regular class time each week. You will also  submit a Blackboard entry that will include your progress in finding a job. If you do not have a job by the fourth week (Fall & Spring), or second week (Summer classes), you will need to withdraw, or will be withdrawn, from this class as you will not have time to complete the 256 contact hours of required on-the-job training.


  1. All students will keep a log of their completed work in the shop. This log must include: student name, date, year, make, model, brief description of repairs & hours flagged. All 9 log/flag sheets (Summer semester)  or 16 flag sheets Fall/Spring will be kept in a folder and turned in the last day of class. You must also enter your weekly flag hours in Blackboard.  Each weekly log/Blackboard entry will be worth 11.1 points (Summer semester), or 6.25 points (Fall & Spring semesters) of your flag time grade.
  2. Your overall grade will be based on your weekly Blackboard submissions, MOU, internship contract, notebook, SP2’s (5) or Ford Safety Modules (6) and your employer evaluation that your supervisor will fill out on your performance.
  3. The weekly Blackboard information (flag time and/or progress on finding a job), is due at the end of each week. You will have from Friday morning through Sunday evening each week to enter your information in Blackboard. I WILL NOT extend this timeframe for anyone for any reason. If you miss a deadline, you WILL NOT receive credit for the item missed.
  4. Included in the notebook grade is the SP2 safety training. There are five certificates required for this course, worth 20 points each: 1. Automotive Service Safety, 2. Automotive Service Pollution Prevention, 3. Land that Job: Building a Resume, 4. Ethics and You in the Automotive Industry & 5. Land that Job: Interview Skills for Automotive Students. These certificates should have already been completed in previous automotive classes. OR, you may submit the six Ford Safety modules from the Ford ACE training website, they will be worth 16.6 points each. You do not need to do both the SP2 and Ford safety modules, it’s one or the other.  That said, in this class, your certificates are due the second week of class. You may email them to me, drop of copies in my box (outside office 4230, building B, Riverside campus), or take pictures of them and send those by email or text. I take 7 points off per week they are late.
  5. Students may be withdrawn for any of the following reasons from this course: excessive absences, lacks course pre-requisite, lack of progress, missed tests/assignments, failure to comply with course/department or employer safety policies, negligence resulting in damage to any property or injury to anyone or, failure to submit the MOU, failure to submit the internship contract, or absent the first day of class. Attendance the first day of class is mandatory.



College Policies:

All of the college policies can be found in our Blackboard course, or here:
































1. 1st Section COVER SHEET                                                            15 points


2. 2ND Section SYLLABUS                                                                    15 points


3. 3RD Section WEEKLY FLAG SHEETS                                   40 points


4. 4th Section SP2 Safety Certificates (Five Certificates)            30 points

         OR, Ford Safety Modules (6 Certificates)


The cover sheet will have the following items to receive all 15 points:

1. Your name

2. Class name

3. Class number; ex. AUMT 2489

4. Instructor name

5. Time and days of class. Ex. Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 


Do not use the first page of the syllabus as your cover sheet. The syllabus is worth 15 points.

All weekly Flag sheets will be in order by week number from week 1 –9, for Summer semesters (4.44 points per week) or 1 – 16 for Fall or Spring semesters (2.5 points per week). If you don’t know if you should keep something ask your instructor.

All notebooks must be clean, neat, all papers hole punched, put in a 3 ring binder and in order as stated above. For example, points will be taken off if the weekly log sheets are out of order according to the date or the sections are out of order as stated above. Anything put in binder pockets, not in the rings, will be considered absent from the binder and will not be graded.

Included in the notebook grade is the SP2 certificates. There are five SP2 certificates required for this course: Automotive Service Safety, Automotive Service Pollution Prevention, Land that Job: Building a Resume, Ethics and You in the Automotive Industry & Land that Job: Interview Skills for Automotive Students and are worth 6 points per certificate.

OR, there are six Ford ACE Safety modules: F10100200301 Course Introduction, F10100200302 Introduction to Shop Safety, F10100200303 Personal Safety, F10100200304 Hazardous Materials and Fire Safety, F101100200305 Tool, Equipment and Vehicle Safety, F10100200306 Lifting a Vehicle

All required items for the notebook need to be placed in a 1.5” or 2”, 3 ring binder, with dividers per section.

Your notebook is due by the last day of class. You may turn your notebook in to me, the tool room at Round Rock or Riverside campus, the automotive administrative assistant, or into my mailbox at Riverside campus. Text me when you drop off your notebook and let me know who you dropped it off with, when and where. Just make certain that I get your notebook. If I do not have your notebook on the last day of class, I will plug a “Zero” in the gradebook for your notebook grade.   








Please legibly print the following information:


Name, First, last, Mi.




ACC Student I.D. # :


Emergency Contact Name & Number:


Your e-mail Address:


Your cell phone number:


If you are working in the automotive industry, provide the following information:


Employer/Shop Name:


Employer/Shop Phone Number:


Employer/Shop physical address:


Supervisor Name:





















I have read and understand the guidelines and expectations as documented in this syllabus.



___________________________                                          ________________________

Student signature                                                                    Date




My instructor provided me with a physical copy of the syllabus for AUMT 2489 Automotive Internship.



__________________________                                            _______________________

Student signature                                                                    Date

Office Hours

M T W Th 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Riverside & Round Rock by Appointment

NOTE Be sure to reach out to schedule an appointment as I often have meetings on other campuses. To make an appointment, please email me at

Published: 12/29/2023 11:13:19