ENGL-2311 Technical and Business Writing

Hilda Ollmann

Credit Summer 2023


ENGL-2311-027 (63453)

Course Requirements

English 2311 Technical and Business Writing offers students the opportunity to study the principles, techniques, and skills needed to compose effective scientific, technical, and business documents.  An emphasis on clarity, conciseness, and accuracy in written expression with a focus on designing documents to meet the needs of specific audiences will prepare students for success in a wide range of disciplines and careers.  Research techniques, information design, effective use of graphics, and principles of business style will be covered. Instruction will take place online.


Required coursework includes reading and responding to textbook information, watching brief educational video clips, completing brief grammar and style exercises, posting on the Discussion Web, and composing major business and technical documents for specific audiences.  Students may self-select writing topics of personal interest.  Course grades will be based on a 1000 point system.  Technical and Business documents count 650 points, grammar and style exercises and a syllabus quiz count 75 points, and Discussion Web posts count 75 points.  A final formal Technical Background Report on a self-selected topic counts 200 points.


Online Technical Writing: A Free Online Textbook by David McMurrey (Zero Cost Textbook).

Course Subjects

English 2311 Technical and Business Writing focuses on strategies for developing written and oral communication to meet the needs of specific technical and business audiences.  Attention will be given to how to organize, articulate, and present technical information clearly, precisely, concisely, and accurately.  Grammar tips for effective wording and phrasing, punctuation, and sentence construction will be taught.

Specific technical and business documents that will be taught include:

  • Professional Resume
  • Letter of Application
  • Short Memo Report with Graphics
  • Instructions
  • Proposal Memo
  • Letter of Transmittal
  • Formal Technical Background Report

Student Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives

Upon the successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Recognize, analyze, and accommodate diverse audiences. 
  2. Produce documents appropriate to audience, purpose, and genre. 
  3. Analyze the ethical responsibilities involved in technical communication. 
  4. Locate, evaluate, and incorporate pertinent information. 
  5. Develop verbal, visual, and multimedia materials as necessary, in individual and/or collaborative projects, as appropriate.
  6. Edit for appropriate style, including attention to word choice, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling. 
  7. Design and test documents for easy reading and navigation.



Office Hours

Published: 05/25/2023 09:21:09